Privacy Policy

Rouse Hill Sports Club and its sub committees, which make up the Rouse Hill Sports Club respect your privacy and are committed to protecting your personal information. Rouse Hill Rams Sports Club collects personal information we need to provide our services to you. If you do not provide us with your personal information we will not be able to provide you with our services in accordance with your current personal details. Your personal information may also be shared among the sports committees of the Rouse Hill Rams Sports Club.

Whilst we will not sell your personal information to a third party, we may, at times, use a third party as a sponsorship to distribute information.

All photographs and images of players and Officials remain the property of the Rouse Hill Rams Sports Club, and at times, the Rouse Hill Rams Sports Club may use photographs and or images of players and or matches for the purpose of publicity or promotion.

We will continue to send you information on topics of interest, unless you advise us otherwise. If you would prefer that we do not use your information this way, please write to us at PO Box 3708 Rouse Hill NSW 2155 or email It is important that you contact us because until you do so you will be taken to have consented to these uses and disclosure.

You have a right to access most personal information, which Rouse Hill Rams Sports Club collects and holds about you. If at any time your details change or you require access to any personal information we have collected about you then please contact us.

Anti Discrimination

  1. Legislation

    In adhering to the above Policy Statement, members shall have regard to legislation, including:

    • The Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 (NSW)
    • The Racial Discrimination Act 1976 (Cth)
    • The Sex Discrimination Act 1984 (Cth)
    • The Disability Discrimination Act (Cth)
    • The Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission Act 1987 (Cth)
  2. Definitions

    "Discrimination" means treating someone unfairly because they happen to belong to a particular group of people – for example, because they are female, because they come from a particular ethnic group or because they have a disability. Discrimination is often the result of prejudice or negative stereotyping based on ignorance, fear or naivety.

  3. Sex Discrimination

    This occurs when someone is treated unfairly or harassed because they are female and not male, or male and not female. Sexual harassment is a type of sex discrimination. The following types of unwanted or unwelcome behaviour may be sexual harassment:

    • Suggestive behaviour
    • Staring or leering
    • Wolf whistling
    • Sexual jokes
    • Sexual propositions
  4. Race Discrimination

    This occurs when someone is treated unfairly or harassed because of their race, colour, nationality, ethnic or ethno-religious background.

  5. Homosexual Discrimination

    This occurs when someone is treated unfairly or harassed because of their sexual preference

  6. Disability Discrimination

    This occurs where someone is treated unfairly or harassed because they have a physical, intellectual, psychiatric, sensory or other form of disability or illness that has affected their body or brain structure or functioning. In accordance with legislative requirements, employers and others must make adequate services and facilities available unless it would cause them 'unjustifiable hardship' to do so.

  7. Age Discrimination

    This occurs when someone is treated unfairly or harassed because of their age.

  8. Other Forms of Discrimination

    Other forms of discrimination may include incidents where someone is treated unfairly or harassed because of their religion, marital status or because they are pregnant.

  9. Consideration of Complaints

    All complaints received should be referred to the Management Committee for consideration. The Management Committee has the right to co-opt an ‘expert’ in an advisory, non-voting capacity as required. The Management Committee should meet to consider the complaint within six (6) weeks of the date upon which the complaint was received.

  10. Complaints Procedures

    • The Management Committee shall advise all parties concerned that a complaint has been received. The person named in the complaint will be given an invitation to respond, in writing within a reasonable time frame.
    • The Management Committee shall review all information and may investigate any circumstances of the complaint.
    • The Management Committee may choose to:
      • accept a written response and mediate an understanding between the parties involved in the dispute.
      • schedule a full hearing where all parties to the complaint may address the members of the Management Committee.
    • The Management Committee will make the decision whether or not disciplinary action should be taken and what form this action should take.
    • All parties will be informed of the decision in writing.
  11. External Procedures

    Nothing in this Part limits the ability of a complainant to seek redress from the NSW Anti-Discrimination Board or the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission.

  12. Time Frame

    The Association makes a commitment to respond to each complaint quickly. All parties involved can expect to be informed of the Management Committee decision and disciplinary action within eight (8) weeks of the complaint being filed. If this is not possible, all parties will be notified in writing of the progress of the complaint.

  13. Disciplinary Action

    Disciplinary action may include:

    • A letter to remind the person of the accepted standards of conduct expected by the Association.
    • A letter of reprimand which becomes part of the permanent record of the employee or volunteer, and may influence future recommendations made by the organisation.
    • Such further action, including suspension, as may be deemed appropriate by the Management Committee of the organisation.

Child Protection

The Rouse Hill Rams Sports Club is committed to ensuring that the safety, welfare and wellbeing of children is maintained at all times during their participation in activities run by the Rouse Hill Sports Club.

The Rouse Hill Sports Club, through the implementation of the Working With Children Check, aims to promote a safe environment for all children.

Non Smoking

The Rouse Hill Rams Sports Club endorses the Football NSW Non Smoking Policy, The banning of smoking by players for the duration of the match in which they are participating.

The banning of smoking by staff, officials, players, referees and volunteers in technical areas, sidelines, access ways to and from the field of play, canteen, food preparation areas, dressing rooms, change rooms and medical rooms.


The Australian Sports Commission has recently updated its guidelines in relation to the photographing and filming of children in sport. The filming and photographing of children has been identified as an issue for sporting clubs and we hope that this information will assist you.

Please remember that if a club or association suspects that inappropriate photographing or filming of children is occurring that the police should be contacted immediately.

The following link will take you to the Ausport webpage which contains all updated information and guidelines.